Open Yoga Outreach

Open Yoga: - Outreach Program:
オープンヨガ•アウトリーチ チャリティープロジェクト
Our outreach program will provide yoga classes to people and communities affected by large scale disasters. Currently we are focussing on the Tohoku area of Japan and the people affected by the triple disasters of 2011. We have programs for refugee camps (many tsunami victims are still displaced and living in temporary accommodation) as well programs that we are developing in conjunction with government and community groups in Tohoku. We hope to take our Outreach program to more parts of the world in the future.


Our outreach courses have been designed to give novice students of many abilities and physical conditions access to the healing practices of yoga. We have courses for a range of levels, beginning with people with low mobility (such as the aged), and moving up to people in reasonably good physical condition. Our outreach program takes the perspective that our students do not have a yoga background and are primarily in need of the therapeutic and supportive qualities of yoga.


About Yoga:


Yoga is a healing practice that can enrich our lives; simultaneously bringing good health, relaxation, a balanced, compassionate perspective and a deep understanding of who we are. It can bring an element of hope or acceptance to people experiencing difficult times, and stimulate deep emotional changes. Physiological benefits include; increased strength, flexibility and balance, improved circulation, respiration and digestive processes. Yoga can reduce physical discomforts and stress, increase energy, balance moods, raise self confidence, improve mental focus and bring peace of mind and positive thinking.


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